Hotel Fox Fox, Runway 24, cleared for take-off

“Cleared for take-off runway 24, Hotel Fox Fox”.

Power set, pressure and temperature in the green, speed is alive, 80 knots, rotate!

Starting this new website is like taking-off in a light aircraft: exciting, everything starts to move, vibrate and there is a lot of noise. As exciting as this moment is, it is not an isolated instant but the result of a long preparation.

What do we want to offer with Hotel Fox Fox? What will this new platform bring to you? What will you find here?

The core of what we bring to Hotel Fox Fox are new from airlines. We look at their websites each and every day, globally and find out what is new and curate it with passion. No humans get hurt in the process because we have great software with a touch of AI.

Humans have the last word on what makes the cut and get published. We like our AI a lot but it is not fully there yet, honestly. We keep working on them and tech and AI evolves rapidly. We master the scraping and we are good at deciding what is interesting and what not. We also control the publishing so all you have to do is visit and get your daily dose of aviation news!

On top of the news, we will be writing about what goes on in aviation, offer analysis and expert opinions and possibly a podcast too.

Our technology stack allows for custom deliveries, so if you need something more tailored, custom made feeds, delivered directly to you, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Positive attitude and rate, power set, flaps up, landing light off!


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