Is this the longest safety video ever?

British Airways just presented their new safety video and, dear, is it lengthy… There is a link at the end of this post, but as it lasts for 5 minutes and 23 seconds, we don’t want you to leave this page for too long.

As a reference, the Emirates safety video for the Airbus 380 is 7 minutes and 48 seconds long, but it is bi-lingual, whereas the British Airways one is only in English.

I also find surprising that no airplane and very little parts thereof are visible in the video. And while I get the references, well, at least some of them, I think they make it long and with a lot of useless language.

Personally, I think safety videos must be to the brief and to the point. A touch of style and humour is fine but this one feels very long.

Not being a native english speaker myself, I found some parts, not related to the safety contents, are hard to get and even some of the safety related parts are not as basic as they could.

For example, regarding the life jacket, they advise to “pass the tape around your waist and tie securely in a double bow at the side”. Can someone barely speaking English fully understand it?

Safety videos carry a lot of identity and emotional value and can be discussed with passion and forever. This one definitely is something different but is it really reaching its purpose?

Only time will tell, I suppose. For now, I leave you with the new masterpiece of British cinema…


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