Austrian Airlines

One step closer to perfect boarding – Well done Austrian

Airlines worldwide constantly strive to optimize the boarding process, balancing efficiency with passenger satisfaction and safety. A recurring challenge is managing carry-on luggage, especially in the context of emergency exit rows, where passengers can’t use the space below the seat in front. Austrian Airlines has implemented a new and effective solution to address this issue.

The Carry-On Luggage Dilemma

One of the main challenges with boarding, particularly for those seated at emergency exit rows, is the handling of large carry-on luggage. Passengers often bring more than their share of cabin baggage, and if they board late, they may find that the overhead bins are already full. This can cause delays as cabin crew shuffle bags around, trying to find space or even gate-check luggage at the last minute. The situation is exacerbated in emergency exit rows, where safety regulations prevent passengers from storing any items under the seat in front of them, making overhead space the only option.

Lufthansa’s Approach vs. Austrian Appriach

Lufthansa tries to address this issue by boarding passengers seated in emergency exit rows as part of a special PRE group, allowing them early access to overhead bins. However, this approach isn’t foolproof and doesn’t guarantee that the overhead bins will remain available for these passengers, particularly if they show up late.

Austrian Airlines, on the other hand, has taken a novel approach to ensure that passengers in emergency exit rows have access to the overhead storage space they need. Rather than altering the boarding sequence, Austrian Airlines maintains the normal boarding order but introduces a clever intervention by the cabin crew. Flight attendants position themselves in the emergency exit rows and keep the overhead bins above these rows closed until the passengers seated there have boarded. This ensures that the space is reserved exclusively for those who need it most.

Austrian Airlines

Delivery time – the root of all evil?

This problem with carry-on luggage would be less pronounced if checked luggage delivery times were faster. Unfortunately, in many cases, passengers experience significant delays when retrieving their checked baggage, with waiting times often reaching up to 45 minutes. This has led many travellers to opt for carrying on all their luggage, even on longer trips, to avoid the inconvenience of waiting at baggage claim. While Austrian Airlines’ solution for emergency exit rows is effective, improving the speed of checked luggage delivery across the industry could really solve the issue.

Benefits of Austrian’ Approach

This approach not only streamlines the boarding process by reducing the need for last-minute luggage shuffling but also improves the overall experience for passengers seated in these critical rows. The dedicated overhead bin space allows these passengers to quickly stow their luggage without the stress of finding space elsewhere, which is often already occupied by earlier boarding passengers. Moreover, it enhances safety by ensuring that all luggage is properly stored, avoiding potential hazards during the flight.

Austrian Airlines’ innovative approach to managing carry-on luggage at emergency exit rows demonstrates the airline’s commitment to efficiency, passenger satisfaction, and safety. By reserving overhead space for those who need it most, they’ve streamlined the boarding process and set a new standard that other airlines might consider adopting. This small but impactful change exemplifies how thoughtful solutions can significantly enhance the travel experience.


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