Cargopilot book cover

Living the Dream at 35,000 Feet: Why I’m (Playfully) Jealous of Christian Van Heijst

Let’s get one thing straight from the start: I’m jealous. Not in a bitter way, but in that lighthearted, “I-wish-I-could-do-that” kind of way. After all, how could I not be when Christian Van Heijst has the ultimate dream job? He flies the Boeing 747—yes, the Queen of the Skies—while also capturing some of the most stunning aerial photography I’ve ever seen. If that’s not living the dream, I don’t know what is.

A Career in the Clouds

Christian Van Heijst has been flying for over 20 years, and he’s spent much of that time flying the iconic 747. While many of us marvel at its beauty from airport observation decks, Van Heijst gets to fly this legendary aircraft for a living. His career has taken him around the world, from the remote wilderness of Alaska to the endless expanse of the Pacific Ocean.

But what makes his story even more fascinating is how he’s blended his passion for flying with his incredible talent for photography. His book Cargopilot is a treasure trove of jaw-dropping images captured from the cockpit, offering a rare glimpse into the world of cargo aviation. It’s a career that combines adventure, beauty, and a certain level of mystery—cue my aviation envy.

Flying the Boeing 747

Now, let’s talk about the Boeing 747. It’s more than just a plane; it’s an icon. There’s something magical about that distinctive hump and those four powerful engines. And Van Heijst has been fortunate enough to fly this aircraft across the globe, often at night, when the skies seem infinite. It’s no wonder he calls the 747 the Queen of the Skies.

As I sit here typing this, I can’t help but imagine what it must feel like to pilot such a beast—although, if I’m being honest, I’d probably spend more time gawking out the window than actually flying the thing. Still, it’s hard not to feel a bit envious of someone who gets to live out such an extraordinary aviation dream.

The Magic of Aerial Photography

One of the most impressive aspects of Van Heijst’s career is how he’s managed to capture the magic of flight through his lens. From the mysterious lights over the Pacific Ocean to breathtaking shots of the northern lights, his photography is a reminder of the sheer beauty that exists far above our everyday lives. And it’s not just the landscapes—his photos also give us a glimpse of the camaraderie and solitude that come with flying cargo around the world.

Wrapping it All Up

So yes, I’ll admit it: I’m jealous. But it’s the kind of jealousy that comes with admiration. Christian Van Heijst has crafted a career that combines two of the most awe-inspiring things in life: flying and photography. And while I may never be able to join him in the cockpit of a 747, at least I can live vicariously through his stunning images—and maybe convince myself that writing about it is almost as good.

If you want to see more of Van Heijst’s work (and trust me, you do), check out his book Cargopilot. You can grab a copy here.

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