Author: Vincent Lambercy
Dubai to Basel – Stretching the 737 to its max…
Flydubai announced flew from Dubai to Basel for the first time this week… Every new flight connection is cool but this one is a bit special… Emirates offers multiple services from Dubai to Switzerland, flying into Geneva and Zurich with Boeing 777 and Airbus A380, but this new service by flydubai is flown with a…
Aviation news – 3rd to 5th of August 2024
Here are airlines news selected amongst all what our restless robots captured from the 3rd to the 5th of August 2024. First of all, looking back a long time, Iberia celebrates the 70th anniversary of its first flight to New York. Still looking back, but not as much, here are Aeroflot’s most popular international destinations…
The bright side of airlines and a touch of AI
I stumbled upon the following article on WestJet’s website while looking for good news: – the perfect topic for a Saturday article, light and optimistic… What are airlines for the general good?
Oh, this is possible now? Air Asia asks passengers to check-in 14 days before flight
Airlines sometimes suffer of the “we always done it this way” and also of technical debt limiting what is possible and what is not. One of my pet peeves is the whole idea of “checking-in”. From the moment I buy a ticket and a seat, why is it then necessary to check-in? And there is…
Is this the longest safety video ever?
British Airways just presented their new safety video and, dear, is it lengthy… There is a link at the end of this post, but as it lasts for 5 minutes and 23 seconds, we don’t want you to leave this page for too long. As a reference, the Emirates safety video for the Airbus 380…
Best aircraft livery ever… or not?
Saturday is the perfect moment for a lighter post, even if this could start some discussions… Let us talk aircraft liveries, and especially changing them. Let’s start with a little experiment. Do you know the current Lufthansa livery? White and dark blue… right. Do you remember the previous one? Pretty similar but with yellow and…
Hotel Fox Fox, Runway 24, cleared for take-off
“Cleared for take-off runway 24, Hotel Fox Fox”. Power set, pressure and temperature in the green, speed is alive, 80 knots, rotate! Starting this new website is like taking-off in a light aircraft: exciting, everything starts to move, vibrate and there is a lot of noise. As exciting as this moment is, it is not…